Friday 27 Jan

Testing this Blog Site on Friday 27 Jan
BBC are currently showing the old "Avengers" programs. They are priceless. This series was about 10 years ahead of its time.
Emma Peel swished around in mind boggling outfits only to be captured eventually by an evil force that needed to be exterminated by Steed.
It was an expression of Girl Power, yet at the same time, the male veiwer always had comfort in the knowledge that Steed would rescue Emma from some dangerous situation.
This comfort level actually rose too high on occasions because we all knew that Emma would not be harmed and sometimes an episode became laughable. Difficult to explain that to a young viewer. The end of the show marked my bed time. A marker in the history of the average week. A reference point of excitement and the unknown.
I am collecting pictures of Emma Peel. Her variety of facial expressions per program is phenomenal.
Here is another
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